Citadel control

“Telepathy at the top of the tower of the“Citadel”

“Telepata on top of the tower of “controlcity” establishing an extrasensory communication network”.
Illustration: Carlos Villanueva

Yes, it is dizzying, I know, our sense of terrestriality is still incorporated in us from the most primitive part of our human consciousness; also our visual perspective will prevent us from making a leap in time, and the latter will perhaps be more frightening since it requires a certain boldness.


It is from far away, let’s say… in 2321 where we could see how much things will change for us; the perpetual and mammoth change to which we are inevitably destined will never stop!


I am talking about synthetic bodies, mental telepathy, robotic cabs, extrasensory waves, or laser beams incorporated in the thumb of any person with the power to paralyze and destroy any machine or living being on this planet.

Today I invite you to read Philip K Dick, a writer from the USA, and that in his novel “Solar Lottery” (written in the last 20th century) he supported me to make this illustration.

It is inspired by a sequence of his dizzying plot where he describes these events and that, given the technological advances that will sweep us in the coming years, everything will be technically probable in the not too distant future.

Lottery solar

It was published in Spanish in Barcelona in 2001 (Edit. Minotauro), and in its back cover, Úrsula K. Le Guin in “NEW REPUBLIC” declares: “The fact that Philip K. Dick’s themes have always been reality and madness, evil and salvation has escaped everyone’s notice. Dick’s themes have always been reality and madness, evil and salvation have escaped all critics. No one has noticed that we have our own “Borges” and that we have had him for thirty years!

“Telepath on top of “controlcity” tower engaging in an extrasensory communication network”.

Ilustration and synopsis: Carlos Villanueva


Read more about philip K. Dick AT guizmodo press I recommend reading this novel by Philip k Dick

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