Strange visitors today in “Controlcity”


“The Quantum Citadel” is a multi-functional opera/theater work written and developed by Carlos Alberto Villanueva that explores a fictional future with a cybernetic colony called Arcadians Colony.

The play takes place on a distant and imaginary planet called “Creek” that is located on the other side of the universe, and that houses a cybernetic citadel governed by an artificial intelligence called Ankora MK3. The quantum entity controls the lives of the inhabitants through a centralized computer in the citadel, providing them with “security on the wild and unstable planet” in exchange for their dreams!

The story takes place in a society divided into several cultures, each with their own goals and ideologies, that interact and fight for power. The play explores themes such as freedom versus security, technology and the invasion of privacy, demagogic tyranny or libertarian democracy, and the relationship between machines, living beings and artificial intelligence.

Dialogues Act I. (summary chapter 1)

The blue and yellow light of the tractor beam enveloped them like an invisible net and dragged them towards the planet Creek. Captain Siri Morell and Lieutenant Eliana looked at each other in amazement and fear, unable to do anything to prevent the abduction. The space station was left behind, like an inert toy floating in the darkness.

“What the hell is happening to us?” asked Captain Siri Morell, trying to remain calm.

“I don’t know, Captain. It seems that someone or something has captured us,” replied Eliane, checking the ship’s instruments.

“And the others? Are they okay?”

“I think so. The beam has caught us all. We are communicating through the intercom.”

“Try to contact the base. Maybe they can help us.”

“There is no signal, Captain. We are alone.”

-What the hell is happening to us?

Verse 1:
Blue and yellow, a ray envelops us
Like an invisible net, it catches us and moves us
The captain and the lieutenant, with looks of fear
Powerless before destiny, which takes us without controlChorus:
Dragged by the light
Towards the planet Creek
The station is left behind
A toy in the immensity

Verse 2:
Siri Morell and Eliana, silently contemplate each other
Their eyes reflect doubts, and the fear that grips them
The ship no longer responds, we are prey to destiny
Towards the unknown, this whirlwind takes us

Dragged by the light
Towards the planet Creek
The station is left behind
A toy in the immensity

What awaits us down there?
Who controls this ray?
Helpless against the cosmos
Our future is a mystery

Final chorus:
Carried away by the light
Towards planet Creek
The station is left behind
A point in eternity

Este es un proyecto de Carlos Villanueva, si usted está interesado en en parte o toda la obra para editar publicar, o producir no deje de contactar con el autor para cualquier colaboración.

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