On the beach of the cubes, bathers find a giant squid of gigantic dimensions. During the last hours, the air forces, after a long battle, managed to drive away the sea beast.
The windsurfers who usually go to the area were the first to observe how the animal prowled the shores of “The Beach of the Cubes” and were the first to alert other bathers.
Given the size of the beast, a naval missile patrol was also sent which, with the help of Flypatrols from the air and using annoying (but harmless) sonic cannons, managed to scare away the unknown animal.
According to scientific radar analysis, this fact, which is not the first, could be related to nuclear pollution in the sea, coming from marine power plants.
The “Controlcitadel” defense center, with the permission of the Ankora mk3 computer, reported that the submarine “Ventura” will be assigned to patrol the area at great depth. Immediately and through the cubes, the evacuation of the SPA area was communicated and the first robotic aerial patrols were sent on the motor fly.
The “Controlcitadel” defense center, with the permission of the Ankora mk3 computer, reported that the submarine “Ventura” will be assigned to patrol the area at great depth.
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