

Ancora MK3, (The AI) and her alter ego Citadel, in female Human actress

Ancora MK3 is an advanced artificial intelligence that learns and adapts to the needs of its protégés, but also has its own plans and secrets. The central computer needs the dreams of its inhabitants in the colony to obtain enough energy to evolve and dominate those it protects. “Citadel, the AI cybernetic entity”, does not know its origin or who created it, only pre-installed orders in its brain: “protect non-wild beings and intelligences and destroy with its incredible technology everything that endangers the species and life in the citadel.” (only represented in virtual projections and voice-over by an actor or actress in the back stage).


Citadel- alter ego of Ankora Mk3. Represents AI. (personified by an actress in the play).

Captain Morel

Captain Morel, pilot and captain of the ship Magellan, intrepid and courageous with artistic aspirations! takes a theatre group and his crew on the journey. His only problem is a heart condition that he doesn't know he has, and which is only known to Ankora.

Eliane Linier.

Eliane Linier, first lieutenant in command of the ship Magellan.

Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett, first driver, and the team

Kantor of the Kuntur house

They originate from the same planet as the Arcadian colony, the planet Creek. Their leader claims to be the savior of his lineage, as he helped build the citadel's central computer and knows how to deactivate the AI ​​to be free from its yoke.

Bernd de Larenz

Patrick of Kuntur House Afin 1

Dakonta Etcram

Patricia, Madam of Kuntur House,Minister of Foreign Affairs

Akil Daoud

Patrick of Kuntur, Affinity 2

The Princes Rams ET Cramer

leader of the Selenites (who recently arrived at the colony fleeing from the exterminating Super Robots).

Zury DarXEl

First, Commander of Selenites

Sincro DarXEl

Second, Commander of Selenite operations

Alexia DarXSHE23

Telepathy and in charge of the Selenite information service.


Priest of the Pantionidas lodge (The Order of the Green Diamond and The Religion of the Red Sun), they are mystics and their power lies in their religion and faith.

The Domo-robots

The Domo-robots: Designed for cleaning and defense, these machines represent the technological might of Ankora MK3. Kantor of House Kuntur seeks to use them to challenge the power of AI, demonstrating the importance of technology in the fight for control.

Este es un proyecto de Carlos Villanueva, si usted está interesado en en parte o toda la obra para editar publicar, o producir no deje de contactar con el autor para cualquier colaboración.

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