A car inexplicably crashed on the desert road

yesterday and under the autonomous legal driving of his ZZ45 vehicle he crashed on a road departure without physical consequences for its occupantste

Although this is a reality, usually fulfilled by androids and cyborgs, humans break the norm and making use of their necessary sense of freedom and individualism, they decide to drive their vehicles by themselves. Sometimes this leads to unpleasant accidents, runway exits, and emergency landings. This, in turn, brings expensive consequences for themselves, since the fines for this fact are increasingly high in "Milibits-Coins".

However, this is not always the case ... such is the case of the local Aspen A. citizen of "Controlcity" when yesterday and under the legal autonomous driving of his ZZ45 vehicle he crashed on a road departure without physical consequences for its occupant Since the car itself activates the plastic emergency measures against collision. This fact is being analyzed by the central computer as it is very strange. Aspen commented that the car already gave him several scares and that since he has it he is very disappointed. Also, he has that feeling that the vehicle knows it, and that his relationship with it has been strained over time. He cannot affirm it firmly, but his sixth sense tells him that something has happened to him since he owns it. It is also true that he never liked that vehicle that the city granted him against his will and that could weigh on these facts, but could the robotic vehicle also want to take revenge on its owner? The facts are being investigated. We will continue to inform you!

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